Voyage Daily Priceless Diamonds Gigi Nicole

“VOYAGE DAILY”Letting Children be Children: Priceless Diamonds, Inc. Uproots Abused Children from Sex Trade

“VOYAGE DAILY” Letting Children be Children: Priceless Diamonds, Inc. Uproots Abused Children from Sex Trade


The sex trade is one of the most rampant causes of child abuse in the United States. With over 200,000 children being dragged into the sex trade against their will, abused and robbed of a future without scars, Gigi Nicole, founder of Priceless Diamonds, Inc., knew that she had to step in and be the solution. Today, the non-profit is helping abused children heal and rediscover what it is like to be children.


Founded in 2012, Priceless Diamonds, Inc. is committed to providing children the help they need. The non-profit organization provides mentoring, mental health coaching and prevents children from being abused in any aspect. Determined to take a stand against the rampant sex trade that robs children of their innocence, the organization continually amplifies its mission to attract more support from the community and bring as many sexually abused children into their care as possible.


“We are here to help connect children to resources that will allow them to be children, instead of feeling the need to find ways to feed and clothe themselves. We help with homelessness and emotional healing from being a victim of the sex trade,” shared Priceless Diamonds, Inc. founder Gigi Nicole. 


Priceless Diamonds is a safe space for individuals who have been abused in many ways, hurt, broken, or bullied. The organization aims to be their voice and give them the comfort they were never given in their darkest days. Gigi Nicole and her team are constantly striving to help their beneficiaries fight through their pain and regain their sense of purpose.


Besides taking in sexually abused children under its care, Priceless Diamonds, Inc. is also raising awareness on the sex trade by conducting talks and symposiums in schools, various children’s organizations, and homes. The non-profit also equip parents with the necessary knowledge to educate their children at home. Especially with the prominence of the digital space, the organization stresses that parents would take an active role in ensuring that their children won’t be victimized by online sexual predators. 

Sex trade involving children is not often highlighted in mainstream media as it is a sensitive issue. But Gigi Nicole shared that she and Priceless Diamonds, Inc. is committed to bringing it to the surface and sharing the stories of those who survived to tell the tale. “I am not scared to shed light on the ugliness of what the sex trade does to our children in America,” said the founder.


Gigi Nicole was a victim of abuse as a child herself. Her past urged her to become the change and create an impact in the lives of children who are also abused physically, mentally, and physically, even by their own families. Gigi Nicole shared that her own father was her abuser and brought her to an environment surrounded by organized crime families. She was a victim of molestation, physical abuse, and date rape.

Source : Credit

2 thoughts on ““VOYAGE DAILY”Letting Children be Children: Priceless Diamonds, Inc. Uproots Abused Children from Sex Trade”

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  2. Pingback: "ATLANTA WIRE Magazine" Priceless Diamonds, Inc. Helps Abused Children Heal and Rediscover Youth - Priceless Diamonds Inc.

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